Second Impressions
Second Impressions
The first week of the second term (set aside tomorrow) had just ended. I encountered dirrerent kinds of professors - carefree to starchy to stringent and the like. What I liked most (for now) is ENGLCOM, for English is my forte. The other subjects... I don't like them very much.
And now, a summary of this week.
FORMDEV - I usually confuse this with ORGMGNT. Our facilitators were students from higher batches, and I believe this course would be much like PERSEF - fun-filled and action packed.
ENGLCOM - Our professor is Ms. Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan. Our current topic is about critical thinking - a high-level mental activity which enables a person to do a careful examination of a subject. Our first quiz is on Tuesday. Since our block was divided into two, 18 of us went to S25, and that includes me. We ended up at Room A905 and there we take our ENGLCOM classes.
TREDONE - Our professor is Sr. Pinky, MACE. She gave us a simple recitation a while ago to show our blockmates how creative we can be. I've heard rumors that our professor teaches well, so I have high expectations of this subject.
ORGMGNT - Uh, this subject is quite boring. Our professor is Ms. Pineda. This subject is quite like Economics with a twist. Since our course involves management (as in Information and Communications Technology MANAGEMENT), we have management courses to boot. We had a surprise quiz a while ago, and I did very badly. Oh boy...
FWDANCE - Our professor is SCARY - Professor Martin C. Ronda. I got scolded by him the first day (Tuesday) when I arrived 4 minutes late. He encourages me to arrive at school an hour earlier. I'll try... my best.
SOCTEC1 - Another Transformative Learning course - we were to interview a scientist and ask him or her about certain things. By the way, a while ago, when I went to Metropolitan Medical Center, I met Gian, his mom, Ron, and Mrs. Rivera. Ron told me how unlucky our batch was in the sense that Uno is already featuring Theater, Music, Math, and other clubs. So what, the progress began with us. We were the pioneers. Anyway, an idea came to me. I asked Mrs. Rivera if we can interview her for our SOCTEC1 project. She agreed but she told me that I have to set an appointment with her first...
DATABAS - Our professor, as I previously said, looked like the 'previous' Kevin (Tan) and sounded a lot like Mr. Ang. Later I figured out that we shared the same first name; his name was Solomon See. Judging by his attire, I could see that he was a Philippine Cultural High School alumnai, just like Kristine (and Christine Enclona - she and her family have already moved to Bay Garden). We were given a difficult task of making a Notepad program with a lot of specifications. Good luck to us.
NSTP-C1 - Tomorrow, we'll see...
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